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Revolutionary Times

Every day our work at Xergy brings us into contact with a collection of monumental shifts in the ways we use and produce energy in buildings. These include:

  • Explosive growth in distributed energy resources (DERs)
  • Broad proliferation of smart devices
  • Innovative systems for measuring and managing energy use
  • An increased willingness by both regulators and utilities to embrace innovative and transformative goals for the power system

Our Internet of Energy blog series will expand on the trends, technologies, risks, and opportunities of energy-smart tech in buildings, with a focus on connected devices, automation, and DERs.Taken together, these converging trends amount to nothing less than an energy revolution. We’re pretty sure you’ve heard about it.

Stay tuned

Over the coming weeks and months, our Internet of Energy blog series will expand on the trends, technologies, risks, and opportunities of energy-smart tech in buildings, focusing on connected devices, automation, and distributed energy resources. The Internet of Energy is not an original term, nor is it an attempt to create another “Internet of …” acronym. (Frankly, we needed a title, and “smart grid/building/home” felt a bit stale.) We use it to describe emerging trends leading to a more connected, responsive, distributed, intelligent, reliable, efficient, and sustainable built environment.

We hope to deliver our insights in a candid, not-too-formal manner, served up with a little humor on the side. You will see only our unvarnished opinion (there are no sponsors). There are no promises regarding frequency. We do, after all, have clients to serve.